Please use our conference administration system to register for the conference and to submit your paper.
Registration period start on: May 1, 2015
Registration period for participants with presentation ends on: September 1, 2015
Registration period for participants without presentation ends on: October 1, 2015
Conference participation fees
Early bird (until June 21, 2015) and Phd student 260 €
Late Registration (from June 22 to October 1, 2015) 295 €
Conference registration includes:
- Attendance at all sessions, lunches and coffee/tea breaks on conference days
- Welcome reception on Wednesday evening and conference dinner on Thursday
Terms & conditions
- As we do not incur any transaction fees for money transfers from abroad, please make sure that the full amount due is transfered. To avoid problems with the amount of money transfered from non-EU countries, please use the bank transfer method "OUR" to ensure that any banking charges are paid by the originator of the remittance.
If you have any problems with your submission, please do not hesitate to contact us via info(at) or use the ConfTool User documentation
for further assistance.